Allan got his first guitar from the trash. Growing up in the hollow of Trout Valley WV, they were hard to come by. His uncle brought it to him, an old Harmony, one string, hole in the back. But, to him, it was a piece of magic. He would sit and fool around on it, picking out melodies. That summer, his Uncle T taught him some banjo chords when Allan would come up to split kindling, carry in water from the old well, mow the grass, whatever needed done. He did that for all his Aunts and Uncles in the valley, and there was always plenty to do. He started working in the hayfields when he was 10, and saved up enough money to buy his own guitar. He sat and played it for hours and hours when he had the time, and wrote his first song when he was 15. He hasn't stopped yet. Songwriting is what he does. Hundreds of songs later, he is still writing and he spent the last year writing many more. The new album "The Quiet Garden" is part of those songs, and part of some songs that were written 30 years ago. The artwork for the album was done by his son Tobias, age 9. Allan hopes to get him started on writing songs soon too. We shall see.